How to Clean Your Carpets Professionally at Home?

 The carpets offer great benefits. From offering a warm environment to increasing the appeal of the space, a carpet does it all. However, keeping the carpets looking fresh and new requires a lot of effort and time. No doubt you can call professionals for your professional rug cleaning in DC , but some homeowners like the DIY methods. So if you are one of those, follow the guide:

Steps to clean carpet

Yes, you can make a carpet look and feel new with timely cleaning and maintenance. No doubt one cannot get the results like the professional rug cleaning in DC, but DIY can offer you great help.

Get rid of every item present on the carpet. This will include the toys and the other small gadgets or anything.

Change the height of your vacuum to suit the requirement. Begin cleaning at the

highest setting and eventually lower the height setting until you feel pressure while

pulling forward the vacuum. You can read the manual to understand the adjustments.

     Use the vacuum all over the carpet to remove dirt. Remember to make slow passes over the high traffic area. Try doing this from different directions to get away from anything trapped dirt inside the carpet fibers.
     Now, you need to put in the carpet shampoo according to the instructions given in the manufacturer's manual. Also, remember to use warm water for cleaning.
      Clean the carpet thoroughly. However, for the expensive Oriental rug cleaning in DC, you must call a professional.
     Once done, make 2 t 3 drying passes over the carpet to dry it faster.
   Also, you must open the windows and doors for quick drying. Leave the carpet for at least 6 hours before moving the furniture or walking back on the carpet.
      To ensure the carpet remains fresh, you must vacuum daily and clean the carpet every quarter. Also, you can call professionals once yearly to clean the carpet using professional tools. This will help keep them fresh and new-looking.

How to keep a carpet clean?

Professionals have skills and experience in cleaning the carpet. Thus, it is vital to professional schedule rug cleaning in DC timely. Besides this, you can consider using DIY carpet shampoos throughout the year to extend the life of your carpet. Also, do not forget vacuuming can help you greatly in keeping the carpet dust and debris free.

Schedule professional cleaning today!

No doubt one can clean the carpet at home, but the results won't be the same as professional cleaning. Thus, to avoid all the hassle and trouble, you must call a professional.Logan Circle Carpet Cleaning is the best company that can offer you fast andefficient services. The professionals are equipped with the latest products andequipment to guarantee the best assistance. Besides carpet, they also offer upholstery cleaning in DC. This means you can get all the services in one place.


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